Hey everyone!

I hear you! Finding a photographer is hard work but I’m here to help you out and make this a little bit easier. My passion is capturing photo and or video to tell your story, showcasing who you are to the world.

I’m Brodie, your friendly neighbourhood photographer based in Sydney, NSW.
I have been working in the creative industry for 5+ years capturing photo and video content supporting organizations and small business to promote themselves by telling their stories.

I grew up with a passion for photography and the ability to capture an image, freezing a moment in time. I have always had a camera in hand, from the first time I experimented with my dad’s Olympus 35mm film camera diving in the crazy world of darkrooms, developing film and watching the images seemingly appear on the paper to where I am now.

I have learnt a lot since those early days, throwing myself into the deep end on photography projects ranging from LinkedIn headshot sessions to trekking through the jungles of Papua New Guinea looking for old WW2 battle sites. I’m excited to use that experience and help you tell your story, so reach out and let’s get started!